How to Refer a Patient
For urgent referrals or inpatient transfers, please call UAB MIST (Medical Information Service via Telephone) at 1-800-UAB-MIST (1-800-822-6478) or email UAB MIST is a toll-free, 24-hour service that connects physicians anywhere in the country with UAB Medicine specialists.
Program Highlights
The UAB Medicine Voice Center provides complete testing and treatment for patients with voice, swallowing, and airway problems. The state-of-the-art center also is focused on researching new ways of diagnosing and caring for voice, swallowing, and airway disorders. It provides cutting-edge care for neurogenic cough, innovative methods for using Botox injections to treat vocal tremors (spasmodic dysphonia), and multispecialty care to help manage age-related voice changes and the professional voice. Our physicians and speech pathologists helped pioneer and advance the latest techniques and procedures in modern voice care.

Clinical Trials
View all ongoing clinical trials at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.