Health care facilities play a key role in the preparedness and response efforts when emergencies arise. Natural or manmade disasters and epidemic or pandemic outbreaks require immediate responses from trusted health care facilities in the community.
UAB Medicine takes this responsibility very seriously. The Emergency Management Department leads UAB’s efforts to raise the levels of readiness and preparedness for these emergency events. The department is continually reassessing and upgrading existing emergency preparedness policies, plans, and training to ensure that UAB Medicine staff are well-prepared to respond to any event.
The current coronavirus (COIVD-19) global pandemic is a good example of the kind of situation for which the Emergency Management Department prepares. Currently, Emergency Management is involved daily in the Hospital Command Center and with organizing and leading the logistics of UAB’s coronavirus testing site.
Confusion and chaos is common when emergencies like this occur. The goal of the UAB Medicine Emergency Management Department is to minimize those negative effects and respond with focused efforts. UAB addresses emergencies utilizing the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS), which helps the department meet the challenges of emergencies by bringing all of UAB Medicine’s resources and assets to bear in a coordinated fashion, to protect lives and property.
UAB Medicine Emergency Management works closely with community, county, and state partners to make sure that UAB continues to meet the needs of the community, especially during times of emergency. Working from an annual Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Risk Assessment, the department develops training drills and courses to address those vulnerabilities and risks to the overall safety of all who work at UAB or seek treatment at UAB Medicine facilities.
Leading the UAB Medicine Emergency Management Department is a veteran in the field of emergency preparedness, Bill Mayfield. In addition to being a registered nurse, Mayfield has over 25 years of experience in fire service, hazardous materials, and emergency management. He is a seasoned Incident Command and Emergency Services Instructor who has responded to several national-level events and disasters.
“When UAB is faced with a challenging situation that requires a coordinated emergency response effort, we all look to Bill’s expertise and leadership to get our response effort started in the right direction,” says JVann Martin, assistant vice president of Facilities and Emergency Management at UAB Medicine.
Coordination and oversight of the Emergency Preparedness Program is provided by the UAB Medicine Emergency Management Committee, which is chaired by Martin and Sara Nafziger, MD. That coordination includes input from the UAB Ambulatory Emergency Management Sub-Committee, which is chaired by Mayfield and Billy Connelley. These committees provide a structure for the mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery related to emergencies that may impact UAB Medicine.
Emergency Preparedness Team
- JVann Martin, AVP of Facilities and Emergency Management
- Bill Mayfield, Emergency Preparedness Manager
- Stacey Benson, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
- Bianca McCracken, Emergency Preparedness Intern
The Emergency Management page on ONE is located at oneuabmedicine.org/emergency, and it is also linked from the bottom of the ONE homepage. The site provides links to emergency preparedness policies and plans, as well as courses to better prepare employees.