This Cessna Citation Bravo twin-engine jet flies at 480 miles per hour and has an un-refueled cruising range of 1700 miles. It can accommodate two adult or neonatal patients and has seating for up to five team members. The aircraft features custom design with installed medical air, dual suction system and dual inverter; liquid oxygen, air, and inverter; sectional/removable bench seat for intra-aortic balloon pump transports; installed Air Cell telephone; interior compartment storage for medical equipment and supplies; cabin area Flight Status Panel showing air speed, distance to next stop, outside altimeter and interior cabin altimeter. It is the first Bravo in the world with a cargo door, 36 inches wide, to facilitate loading for patients on stretchers. All pilots undergo annual simuflite training and have achieved their ATP (Air Transport Pilot).

The aircraft is operated by AirMed International, Air Carrier Certificate # MDGA382G.