Hypertension / High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is high blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured by the force of the blood that the heart pumps against the artery walls. If that force is too high, it can cause health problems, such as heart disease or stroke. The more blood the heart pumps and the narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure. Untreated hypertension can damage and weaken the arteries. Hypertension develops over several years and affects nearly everyone eventually as they age. It can be detected easily and controlled. Blood pressure can be affected by the amount of water and salt in the body, hormone levels, and the condition of the kidneys, nervous system or blood vessels.

UAB has a long history of leading-edge hypertension management and treatment. The faculty physicians you will see are certified as clinical specialists in hypertension by the American Society of Hypertension, and these doctors have decades of experience in evaluating and treating complicated hypertension cases. They are nationally recognized experts in the treatment of hypertension that is secondary to hormonal, renal, and cardiovascular problems. When you visit UAB for hypertension evaluation and treatment, you will be seen by physicians who serve in national leadership positions for the development of treatments and guidelines for this condition. We offer the newest hypertension therapies, which can include medications, devices, and lifestyle changes.


Suzanne Oparil | High Blood Pressure
Suzanne Oparil | High Blood Pressure
UAB cardiologist, Suzanne Oparil MD, answers questions about high blood pressure.

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