Physical therapy (PT) is a type of treatment provided when health issues make it hard for a person to move around and do routine, everyday activities including those that build motor skills and improve strength, posture, and balance. It may relieve pain, help, improve or restore physical function, and improve fitness. A physician may prescribe PT for long-term problems such as arthritis or COPD. PT can be used alone or with other treatments. Physical therapy is a major component of UAB Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services. PT services may be provided at home, in office or clinic, or as part of a hospitalization. PT almost always includes exercise, such as stretching, core exercises, weight lifting, and walking. Licensed physical therapists may use manual therapy, education, and techniques such as heat, cold, water, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation. Patients typically may be taught an exercise program to continue at home.
Spain Rehabilitation Center (SRC) has treated more than 450,000 patients since opening in 1964. Our care team includes specialists from many areas of UAB Medicine, and they use their unique skills and expertise to evaluate and treat each patient. These patient care teams include physiatrists (doctors who specialized in rehabilitation medicine), nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists, psychologists, social workers, rehabilitation professionals, and other health care providers as needed. Our clinicians have the expertise and compassion necessary to develop comprehensive care plans to help patients overcome difficulties and pursue their goals.
SRC’s Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System of Care has had continuous funding since 1972, our National SCI Statistical Center has been funded since 1985, and the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System of Care since 1998. The Samuel Stover, MD, Assistive Technology Laboratory was established in 2008 with major funding from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. The lab allows spinal cord injury patients to use computer-based equipment to help them deal with disabilities. In 2010, SRC developed its first neuroregenerative science research program, which explores the possibilities of regrowing or repairing nerve tissue, cells, and other bodily building blocks to restore lost function to the brain and spinal cord.
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