The UAB Medicine Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat, or ENT) Clinic provides complete management of allergy conditions involving the ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, and neck. The state-of-the-art center also is focused on researching new ways of diagnosing and caring for voice, swallowing, and airway disorders, as well as training the next generation of physicians and clinicians.
The UAB Voice Center provides cutting-edge care for chronic (neurogenic) cough, innovative methods for using Botox injections to treat vocal tremors (spasmodic dysphonia), and multispecialty care to help manage voice changes as we get older. It is the only voice center in Alabama and is recognized as one of the few in the United States that combines the expertise of multiple medical specialists in caring for patients and helping improve their quality of life.
Patients are seen by a laryngologist (a sub-specialist within the ear, nose, and throat field) and a speech language pathologist at most visits. Our care providers are highly trained and nationally and internationally recognized for their clinical and surgical expertise. They help patients avoid surgery when possible, but they also have many years of experience in helping patients achieve better results from surgery, when necessary.The UAB Medicine Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat, or ENT) Clinic provides complete management of allergy conditions involving the ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, and neck. Our staff includes some of the nation’s most skilled physicians and surgeons – many who are fellowship-trained – and our ENT program is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the best of its kind in the country. In addition to allergy testing and treatment, the clinic offers a wide range of care options for conditions such as head and neck cancer; thyroid and parathyroid issues; ear disorders (including hearing and balance problems); voice, swallowing and airway disorders; sleep disorders such as disruptive snoring and obstructive sleep apnea; and sinus problems.
Care Providers
- Helpful Tools for Mucous Management
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Video Q &A on Spasmodic Dysphonia, Related Voice Conditions
- Botox™ Lunch & Learn Series
Related Specialties
Clinical Trials
Speak to your physician about your options and browse the link below for more information